Bps File For Code 128 Barcode Symbology For Acrobat Free
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How a form field behaves is determined by settings in the Properties dialog box for that individual field. You can set properties that apply formatting, determine how the form field information relates to other form fields, impose limitations on what the user can enter in the form field, trigger custom scripts, and so on.
You can set various properties for an Acrobat form field, depending on the form field type. The properties for each type of form field are selected on a series of tabs. When you change a property, it is applied as soon as you select another property or press Enter.
All types of form fields have a General tab and an Actions tab. Other tabs appear only in specific types of form fields. The Options tab appears for most form field types but the options available are unique to each type of form field.
Two items are available on every tab. If you select one on any tab, a check mark will appear, and the option will be checked on all tabs. These are:
When selected, prevents any further changes to any form field properties.
Closes the form field Properties dialog box. If you are changing the properties of multiple fields, you can leave the Properties dialog box open. Click each field to change its properties.
If you select Locked on any tab, it locks all options forthe field, not just the options on that tab.
You can access form field properties only when you are in editing mode. You can change the properties for multiple form fields at a time.
If you are not in form editing mode, choose Tools > Prepare Form.
- Open the Properties dialog box using one of the followingmethods:
To edit a single form field, double-click it or right-click it and choose Properties.
To edit multiple form fields, select the fields that you want to edit, right-click one of the selected fields, and choose Properties.
- Change the properties on each of the available tabs,as needed.
The property is changed as soon as you select anotherproperty or press Enter.
If you select form fields that have different propertyvalues, some options in the Properties dialog box are not available.Otherwise, changes to the available options are applied to all selectedform fields.
To avoid accidental changesto the form field, select Locked in the lower-left corner of theProperties dialog box before you close it. To unlock, click theoption again.
The General tab appears for all types of formfields and includes the following options:
Specifies the unique name of the selected form field.
Displays text that the hesitant user may find helpful infilling in the form field. Tooltips appear when the pointer hoversbriefly over the form field.
Specifies whether the form field can be seen, either on screenor in print. The choices are: Visible, Hidden, Visible But Doesn’tPrint, and Hidden But Printable.
Rotates the form field by 0, 90, 180, or 270 Degrees
Prevents the user from changing the form field content.
Forces the user to fill in the selected form field. If theuser attempts to submit the form while a required field is blank,an error message appears and the empty required form field is highlighted.
Appearance properties determine how the formfield looks on the page. The Appearance tab appears for all typesof form fields except barcodes, and includes the following options:
Opens a color picker in which you can select a color swatchfor the frame surrounding the field. To leave the field withouta frame, select No Color.
Specifies the width of the frame surrounding the form field: Thin,Medium, or Thick.
Opens a color picker in which you can select a color swatchfor the background behind the field. To leave the field uncolored,select No Color.
note: A FillColor choice other than No Color willblock any images on the PDF page that are behind the form field.
Alters the appearance of the frame. Select Solid, Dashed,Beveled, Inset, or Underline.
Sets the size of user-entered text or of the selection markerfor radio buttons and check boxes. The choices include Auto, variouspreset values, and typing in a different value. If you select Autofor a text field, as the user types, the font size changes to fitthe text in the box.
Opens a color picker in which you can select a color swatchfor the text or selection marker.
Lists the fonts available on your computer. This option isnot available for form fields that do not display text.
TheEnable Right-To-Left Language Options in the Language panel of the Preferencesdialog box affects what appears in the Appearance tab of the Properties dialogbox. When that preference is selected, the Appearance tab includesoptions for changing the digit style and text direction for textfields, drop-down list boxes, and list boxes.
The Position tab lets you position or size the currently selected field or fields. You can move fields to the location you specify on the page. Use the Height and Width options to change only the size of fields. To move fields without resizing them, choose Do Not Change Height And Width When Changing The Position.
The options available on this tab change accordingto the type of form field selected. The Options tab appears forall form field types except digital signatures.
The Options tab for barcode field propertiescontains the following:
Includes the PDF417, QR Code, and DataMatrix barcode types.
note: If your organizationprocesses forms by multiple methods, select the method that accommodatesthe lowest quality barcode images. For example, if forms will be returnedby fax and mail, choose Fax Server as thedecode condition to ensure high read rates on all forms.
Specifies that data will be compressed before it is encoded. Data is compressed with the Flat compression method. Compressed data usually requires less storage space in the barcode, allowing more data to be stored. In general, select this option if you will use the Acrobat barcode forms decoder to interpret the returned data. Do not select this option if you will use a handheld barcode scanner, because most of these cannot decode compressed data.
The preset decode conditions represent recommended starting points that you can adjust by clicking the Custom button.
Opens a dialog box in which you can select custom processingparameters that are best for your specific scanning and faxing hardware.(The available options vary according to barcode types.)
Width, in mils (1 mil = 0.001 inch or 0.0254mm), of the cell.
Height/width ratio of the cell. For example, for a data cellthat is twice as high as it is wide, enter 2. (Available only forPDF417 barcodes.)
note: If you are planning to decode the barcodeusing a handheld laser scanner, avoid creating barcodes wider than4 inches (10.2 cm). Taller and narrower barcodes generally workbetter with handheld scanners. Barcode height and width will notbe an issue if you are using an Adobe barcode decoder (availableseparately).
Corresponds to the level of data redundancy that is addedto the barcode to correct any potential decoding errors. Higherlevels provide more redundancy and a more robust barcode that willgenerate more successful decode results. However, higher levelswill also result in a larger barcode and a reduced ability to encodeuser-supplied or form structure data into the barcode. A more robustbarcode can reduce problems created by pen marks, poor print quality,degradation caused by fax transmission, or folds in the document.This option is available for PDF417 and QR Code barcodes.
Enables you to save your custom barcode selections in a file.You can then export the file and make it available to other form authorsin your organization.
Specifies the shape of the marker that appears inside the check box when the user selects it: Check (the default), Circle, Cross, Diamond, Square, or Star. This property does not alter the shape of the check box itself.
Note: The size of the marker inside the check box is determined by the size of the font you specify in the Appearance tab.
Specifies a value to represent the item if the data willbe exported. If left blank, the entry for Name in the General tabis used as the export value.
Shows the check box selected unless the user deselects it.
Foreither dropdown boxes or list boxes, you use the Options tab tocreate a list of items from which the user selects.
Althoughmost of the properties on this tab are common to both these typesof form fields, a few are exclusive to one type or the other.
Accepts the text that you type for options that you wantto appear in the menu for the field.
Moves the current entry in Item to the Item List.
Where you type in a value to represent the item if the datawill be exported. If left blank, the entry for Name in the Generaltab is used as the export value.
Displays the choices that will be available in the list.
note: Thehighlighted item in the Item List box appearsas the default selected item in the dropdown box or list box field.To change the default item, highlight another item from the list.
Change the order in which the items are listed in the drop-downlist. These buttons are not available if Sort Items isselected.
Removes the selected item from the list.
Arranges the listed items numerically and alphabetically.A numerical sort (if applicable) is performed before an alphabeticalsort.
(Dropdown only) Enables users to enter a value other thanthe ones in the list.
(Dropdown only) Checks the spelling of user-entered text.This option is applicable only if Allow User To EnterCustom Text is selected.
(List boxes only) Enables users to choose more than one itemin the list.
Saves the value as soon as the user selects it. If this optionis not selected, the value is saved only when the user tabs outof the current field or clicks another form field. For list boxesonly, this option is not available if Multiple Selection isselected.
Create a group of radio buttons if you wantthe user to select only one choice among a set of choices. All theradio buttons in a group have the same Name, but each button hasa different Button Value.
Specifies the shape of the marker that appears inside thebutton when the user selects it: Check, Circle (the default), Cross,Diamond, Square, or Star. This property does not alter the shapeof the radio button itself.
Identifies the radio button and differentiates it from other radiobuttons that have the same Name value.
Sets the selection state of the button when the user firstopens the form.
Buttons With The Same Name And Content Are SelectedIn Unison
Allows single-click selection of multiple related radio buttons.For example, if the user selects a radio button that has the samefield name and selected content as another, both radio buttons areselected.
Textfields accept user input, which can be alphabetic characters, numbers,or both.
Aligns the text left, right, or center within the field.
Allows more than a single-line entry in the text field.
Compensates for text that extends beyond the boundariesof the text field.
Allows entries of up to the number of characters you specify.
If you entered a default value, that value is clipped to this limit.
Checks the spelling of user-entered text.
Opens a window for the selected action.
Displays the list of triggers and actions that you’ve defined.
Opens a dialog box with specific options for the selectedaction.
Removes the selected action or trigger-action pair.
Select this if you want the user to type.
Select this to make further options available:
This is the default.
Prevents further changes to the digitally signed form, accordingto the selection in the pop-up menu:
Prevents any changes to any form field.
Prevents changes in only the form fields you pick.
The Example of Current Format field displays a live preview of the settings.
Automatically imposes the selected formattingoptions on numeric data entries.
Sets the number of digits that appear to the right of thedecimal point.
Sets the placement of commas and periods.
Sets the type of currency, such as Euros, Dollars, or Yen.
Automatically imposes the selected formattingoptions on numeric data expressed as a percentage.
Sets the number of digits that appear to the right of thedecimal point
Sets the placement of commas and periods.
For a five-digit U.S. postal code.
For a nine-digit U.S. postal code.
For a ten-digit telephone number.
Accepts only letters (A–Z, a-z).
The letter “O” accepts alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a-z,and 0–9).
Accepts only numeric characters (0–9).
Turns off validation.
Sets a numeric range for form fields using values you enterin either as a number or a percentage.
Validates by a JavaScript that you create or provide.
The Value tab appears for barcode form fieldsonly.
Bps File For Code 128 Barcode Symbology For Acrobat Free Download
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